© 2018 DESTRAVIS | Design. Strategy. Vision.

Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital

Interim Specialist Rehabilitation Centre

feature_Wynnum-Manly Community Health Centre, Gundu Pa

Project Information

Destravis was engaged by Metro South Hospital and Health Service to deliver a new community health centre to relocate and expand services in the local community.

Destravis undertook user consultation to develop a functional brief, performance specification and reference design to tender for a building contractor under a Design and Construction arrangement.

MSHHS retained Destravis in the role of Technical Advisor to take the project from design through to construction completion. In that role we undertook design oversight on behalf of the client, project management of construction team and quantity surveyor roles.

The new Wynnum-Manly Community Health Centre is a multidisciplinary facility that provides community health programs and clinics for adults and children. The centre offers a number of services including a 24-hour primary care clinic, a range of allied health and specialist services, as well as oral and mental health services.

Project objectives throughout the design phase included:

  • achieving a value for money outcome for the Principal
  • encourage innovation in design and construction
  • maintain an appropriate risk allocation
  • deliver a contemporary healthcare facility that is fit-for-purpose, and achieves whole-of-life efficiencies for the Principal.

As Technical Advisor on behalf of MSHHS, Destravis was able to monitor the project against original project objectives to ensure the final outcome delivered the scope, efficiency and quality intended from the outset.


Metro South Hospital and Health Service


Brisbane, Queensland



Project Scope:

New Integrated Community Care Centre

Destravis Role:

Reference Design Health Planner Technical Advisor Quantity Surveyor