© 2018 DESTRAVIS | Design. Strategy. Vision.

Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

Strategic Facility Plan

Project Information

Destravis delivered the Strategic Facility Plan for the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) in inner-city Brisbane.

RBWH is a major tertiary referral hospital (1,024 beds) that undertakes a significant teaching and research role with linkages to major tertiary teaching institutions. It has a comprehensive range of specialities including medicine, surgery, orthopaedics, psychiatry, oncology, obstetrics, gynaecology, neonatal intensive care, and trauma services.

This being the first in a series of Health Service-wide strategic plans, this opportunity has led to the confirmation of the long term focus of RBWH which will further develop its quaternary and tertiary capabilities and responsibilities.

A staged approach to the expansion of service delivery at the RBWH will allow the hospital to lengthen the functional use of the existing infrastructure through refurbishments of the existing facilities and the staged expansion of the existing clinical blocks into new facilities. This approach will allow the RBWH to undertake a staged development with the long term potential of a full replacement within the existing campus, whilst keeping functional adjacencies, and thus safeguarding the short, medium and long term operational continuity of the facility.

The staged redevelopment will further allow for integration with the rest of the Precinct through a master planned approach with the other stakeholders, such as the University of Queensland (UQ), Queensland Medical Research Institute (QIMR) and private entities who will undertake development at the Herston Quarter and on the RBWH site. This will benefit public and private partnering opportunities in both clinical and economic development.


Metro North Hospital and Health Service (MNHHS)


Brisbane, Queensland



Project Scope:

Strategic Master Plan

Destravis Role:

Strategic Master Planning and ‘Health Service Vision ‘Facilitation